Your dental emergencies are our priority. At Go Dental, we are proud to offer dental emergency services for Calgary SE residents who require immediate care. We also serve Calgary and the surrounding communities.
If you are in need of urgent dental care, please call our dental office at (403) 407-2028 to schedule a same-day emergency dental appointment.
We understand that dental emergencies can occur at any time. Our dentists at Go Dental are committed to providing same-day emergency dental care to those that require immediate attention.
Our emergency dentists in Calgary believe that when dealing with oral or dental trauma, acting quickly is absolutely crucial.
Just a small amount of lost time can be the difference between saving and losing a tooth.
While calling your dentist right away is essential, there are steps you can take in the meantime that will not only minimize pain, but can lead to saving your natural tooth so you don’t need to take the prosthetic route.
If permanent or adult teeth have been knocked out cleanly (no breaks in structure), it is important to keep the dislodged teeth clean and moist.
The first step is to rinse the tooth with clean water, being extra careful not to touch the root area.
The next step is to make sure the tooth does not dry out. While the best form of preservation would be to place the tooth back in its socket (the less time the tooth is out of the socket, the better the chance of saving it), this can sometimes prove to be too painful. In this case, simply placing the tooth between your cheek and gums or in a cup of milk during transportation to the dentist is the best alternative option.
Following these simple steps will keep the root cells alive long enough for your dentist to transplant it back into its socket successfully.
In the case of broken or chipped teeth, there is no way to treat them at home. Therefore, a visit to your dentist is the only option for repairing it.
If you’ve experienced oral trauma resulting in a broken tooth, making an emergency dental appointment is of utmost importance. In the meantime, and immediately after the break occurs, follow these steps:
Use dental floss to remove food or an object stuck between teeth. Do not use sharp or pointed instruments such as a toothpick or needle.
If the crown is in one piece, rinse it with water and try to reinsert it. Hold it in place by gently biting down on clean gauze or cloth. If the crown is broken, try to gather all of the pieces and bring them straight to our office.